The Journey to Parenthood – Finding Hope at GENE IVF
At the age of 36, after trying to conceive for some time without success, she and her husband decided to seek professional medical assistance as soon as possible. They came to GENE IVF for a consultation with Dr. Wei Chi-Feng. A blood test revealed that her AMH level was below 0.8, indicating significantly diminished ovarian reserve—she was diagnosed with #PrematureOvarianFailure 💦
QualityOverQuantity – Overcoming Premature Ovarian Failure with Expertise and Experience
Despite the challenging diagnosis, she remained determined to pursue #IVFTreatment. Under Dr. Wei’s guidance, she underwent her first egg retrieval, which resulted in four eggs due to her low ovarian reserve. Fortunately, with the expert care of the GENE IVF laboratory, the eggs successfully developed into blastocysts. After a thorough evaluation confirming that her body and uterus were in good condition, Dr. Wei proceeded with the transfer of two 3BC blastocysts.
Seven days after the transfer, she received the joyful news of a positive pregnancy test—OneEggRetrievalOneTransfer, and she was successfully pregnant! The baby grew steadily throughout the pregnancy, and eight months later, she and her family welcomed a healthy and adorable new member, officially graduating from GENE IVF! ✨